Health Care Facilities

Health and Safety – Designing Safe Solutions for Public Health Buildings

The specific demands of hospitals and care facilities combined with today’s safety requirements for patients and residents, means that emergency, life-saving safety technology is needed. At the very least a safety system must be both easy to operate and 100% reliable.

Whether it is a question of bringing existing facilities up to date with state of the art technology or designing new buildings, any plan needs to take individual requirements into account. Different stations and buildings must be flawlessly connected in order to create a security system that protects those who require it.

It is a f­urther consideration when installing security technology to ensure that you invest in trustworthy equipment, and look for reliable partners, after all, durable, high-quality technology is always the right economic choice. With TOA products, you can be confident that, once installed, they will provide your facility over the coming years and decades with the excellent communication capabilities for which they were purchased for,  ensuring safety and providing the best solutions for communication for staff, patients and residents - whatever the application.

Accurate and robust planning of the systems as well as a diligent installation is key to providing the best solution. Each facility has unique requirements to be considered, as well as providing a future-proofed technology.

To find out more about how we can help you communicate effectively and provide and maintain the safest environment  in your health care facility you can download our project information fact sheet HERE. You can also contact our technical team if you need advice about how we can help the safety of patients, employees and residents and we will be happy to advise and support you. To email our team click TECHNICAL