

Emergency Remote Microphone

The RM-200SF is a Fireman's Microphone of the matrix system. It is equipped with an Emergency key, permitting it to be used as a remote microphone for emergency broadcast. Zone selection and microphone announcement can be made at the time of emergency broadcast. It offers a surveillance function to detect failures including microphone element failure. The RM-200SF has three function keys that can be set as individual or group selection keys, and each key is linked with the corresponding two indicators. Connecting the optional RM-210, RM-320F Extension units to the RM-200SF expands the number of function keys and indicators in blocks of ten.

  • For emergency broadcast
  • For activation of emergency mode, start and stop automatic broadcasts of emergency announcements, reset emergency signals, and live microphone announcements
  • CPU-switch for emergency broadcast to all zones even in case of a CPU error
  • Up to 5 RM-210 key extension units in the SX-2000 system or 4 RM-320F in the VX-3000 system per emergency remote microphone

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Rotate /Turn: Hold left click and drag at the same time or on a touch screen please drag with one finger.

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  • Specifications
  • Application examples
  • Equipment
  • Tender text
  • Downloads
Specifications for product:
Power source

24 V DC (operating range: 15 – 40 V DC)

Frequency response

200 Hz - 15 kHz

Microphone type

Dynamic microphone AGC



Audio output

0 dBV, 600 Ω, balanced


3 buttons for free assignable functions, 1 emergency button, microphone volume, speaker volume, CPU-off switch


ABS resin, bluish grey (PANTONE 538 or equivalent)


200 x 215 x 95 mm (W x H x D)


1.48 kg

Application examples
Tender text